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Featured Model Train Articles
Why Model Railroading is The Greatest Hobby
If you ask a model railroader what appeals about the hobby you will get a variety of answers…
Train Scales Explained
It goes without saying that model railroads are not the same size as the real thing.Model train layouts are scaled down replicas…
How To Create A Perfect Model Railroad
We all make mistakes when making a model railroad layout, but the big thing is to learn…
Deciding Your Track Plan
When planning construction of a model railroad there are all sorts of possible track configurations and plans to consider. It really depends on …
The 6 Point Checklist
A good quality locomotive is the key to avoiding frequent derailments and many other problems when operating a model railroad. …
Weathering Techniques Explained
Throughout this post I will give you several tips on weathering, which is basically the art of taking something new and making it look …